MuddleArt's Circularity Pilot: in partnership with Newtral

November 21, 2023

In the dynamic landscape of sustainable practices, Muddleart has emerged as a trailblazer in the textile industry, forging a groundbreaking partnership with one of India's largest apparel manufacturers to tackle the looming challenge of textile waste. Over the course of a transformative pilot run spanning just two months, Muddleart harnessed the power of its tech-based waste management system to process a staggering 80 metric tons of pre-consumer textile waste.

Here’s an inside look at how Muddleart orchestrated this eco-friendly feat and its far-reaching impact.

Tech-Powered Efficiency:

At the heart of the pilot's success lies a meticulously designed tech dashboard and a suite of tools seamlessly integrated with a comprehensive warehouse management system. Newtral, an AI-enabled advanced platform that helps organizations with their climate action needs partnered with us to make this possible. This marriage of technology and waste management proved to be a value addition, causing zero disruption to operations.

The result?

A supply chain marked by 100% transparency and traceability, ensuring that every ounce of waste was accounted for. 

The well-engineered tools facilitated high-quality sorting, diverting textile waste towards recyclers and upcyclers. Not stopping there, Muddleart closed the loop by directing waste back into the system, aiming for in-house fibre and yarn production.

The net effect: 100% of textile waste was rescued from landfills, championing our promise of #ZeroDump.

Empowering Tools for a Greener Tomorrow:

MuddleArt's commitment to sustainability extends beyond mere waste management. The implemented tools boast multifaceted capabilities, ranging from meticulous tracking and tracing to comprehensive report generation. These tools are instrumental in managing emissions, offering a holistic approach to environmental responsibility.

Scalable Solutions and Takeaways:

The success of MuddleArt's approach can be attributed to its scalability. With a total capacity of 800+ tons across our 2 facilities in Delhi-NCR, Muddleart stands poised to help partners achieve their sustainable TW disposal goals, whether they produce 1 MT or 1000 MT of waste. We are proud to say that 100% of the waste we process is converted into valuable resources, aligning seamlessly with the principles of a circular economy.

The Impact:

Muddleart's impact is staggering. Over the past four years, the company has channelled a colossal 7000+ metric tons of TW, establishing partnerships with over 250 downstream collaborators. This pilot run has not only contributed to environmental conservation with end-to-end material flow tracing and emissions tracking but has also created over 16 green jobs, underscoring the socio-economic benefits of embracing circularity in business practices.

In conclusion, Muddleart stands as a testament to the transformative power of innovation in waste management. The journey from textile waste to a circular economy is paved with commitment, efficiency, and a vision for a sustainable future. For more information on how Muddleart can catalyze your journey towards a greener tomorrow, contact us at Let's redefine the future of textile waste together.